Video Gallery

I would like you to try this video dialogue with your child. Even you can try it yourself so you can engage your child.
I assure you that after two weeks, by following my methodology, your child will be able to respond to the following questions , in French, in complete sentences.

After reading the English version to understand the content of the dialogue and feel more at ease with its meaning, just follow these steps:
1. Listen to the video once without seeing the words and without repeating. Just listen.

2. Listen to the video once and repeat after the speaker without seeing the words.

3.Listen to the video and repeat while viewing the dialogue. Do that 3 times: listen and repeat.

4. Listen to the video and repeat ALOUD for 5-10 minutes a day for a week.

5. After a week, divide the dialogue into three or four sections, and try to ask the same questions the characters ask each other and respond to them. If you find it difficult, listen to the video again.

6. Once you feel comfortable reading the dialogue and imitating the characters, try to respond to the first 5 questions listed below. If you can respond to more, go ahead. Then do 5  questions more until you finish responding to the 20 questions.
Challenge yourself. Respond to the questions with intonation and in complete sentences. Taste the language. Feel it. Live it and enjoy it.

7. Put these questions to your mother/father/ sibling or even to yourself and respond to them aloud.

8. Read the dialogue alone, aloud, or with someone else.

9. Record yourself and listen to yourself. laugh at yourself and judge your reading. Do you feel you can do better? Go ahead and record yourself again.

10. Become the characters yourself and read the dialogue without using the video at all. If you remember the text, recite it aloud and taste/feel/enjouy and be proud of your progress.
This is the ultimate goal parents wish their children can achieve in learning a second language.

Questions on the first lesson : Vive La Précision /Long Live Precision!
1. What is your name? Comment t’appelles-tu?
2. How are you/how is the situation? Comment ça va?
3. What day is it today? Quel jour est-ce aujourd’hui?
4. What is the weather like? Quel temps fait-il?
5. What season are we in? En quelle saison sommes-nous?
6. What is this? Qu’est-ce que c’est?
7. What is that? Qu’est-ce que c’est?
8. Who is it/this? Qui est-ce?
9. Who is it/that? Qui est-ce
10. What is her name in the text? Comment s’appelle-t-elle dans le texte?
11. What is his name in the text? Comment s’appelle-t-il dans le texte?
12. What is she doing? Qu’est-ce qu’elle fait?
13. What is he doing? Qu’est-ce qu’il fait?
14. In what season is it cold in general? En quelle saison est-ce qu’il fait froid en général?
15. In general, in what season is it hot? En général, en quelle saison fait-il chaud?
16. What is the weather like in the summer? Quel temps fait-il en été?
17. What is the weather like in winter? Quel temps fait-il en hiver?
18. When does it snow? Quand est-ce qu’il neige?
19. When does it rain? Quand est-ce qu’il pleut?
20. Where do you live? Où habites-tu? 

After you and/or your child do this lesson, I will share with you the answers so you can compare your responses to mine and improve your vocabulary. This is how I believe the process of teaching and learning any second language should unfold. I hope you agree with me.

If you have any questions or concerns or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me. 
We are in it together, and I will do my best to make your child’s French journey an experience to remember.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Vive La Précision in French and English”]

L'hiver: Tout est blanc

Qu'est-ce que c'est? A video that introduces young children and their parents to a new and relevant French vocabulary. They learn the pronunciation, the meaning and the way to use the vocabulary in context.

Vive la précision in English.

Le présent des verbes en er.

Questions et réponses sur les verbes en er.